Staff Record Management Module

The staff record management module provides an electronic compilation and storage of relevant information or data of the company's staff. Summarized list of staff with pictures as well detailed record of each staff is neatly and professionally managed by smart review software.
Scanned professional or academy certifications as well as unlimited number of relevant documents relating to the staff can be attached to individual data.
That brings increased speed and efficiency to information access and management by authorized users. It also ensures cheaper storage over paper-based list and easier link to other applications
The staff evaluation History of the staff record provides effective storage and management of periodic evaluation records of Staff. It contains a detailed and accurate documentation of all evaluation that have been done for each staff over all evaluation periods, as well as all the different dimensions of competencies and KPI’s involved in the evaluation.
This ensures that management will have easy access to employee evaluation record for accurate and objective decision making on promotion, recommendation letter for former employees. Evaluation history helps to develop plans with specific task to help employee develop in their career and meet organizational goals. Which means management can easily detect staff with outstanding work achievement and be rewarded accordingly.
Robins Begg Consulting Ltd. 9, Oyedele Ogunniyi Street, Anthony Village, Lagos